Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Through The Eyes of a Mom

Things I've learned from being one:

-Nothing is more important than taking care of your kid; the world can wait.

-Sometimes they just need Mommy and that makes it all better--enjoy it while it lasts.

-There isn't a wrong or right way to parent; just do it your way.

-If you've never had a kid before don't act like you know everything about having them.

-Your "mommy instinct" is what you should listen to over anything else.

-You will break "the rules"--Abby is a tummy sleeper :-O

-If your baby is happy, you are doing ok.

-Never compare your kid with anyone else; they do things when they want to and all wind up at the same level eventually.

-Your life completely changes once you have a baby, whether you like it or not.

-You will wonder what your purpose was in life before you had a baby.

-Your kid will be the cutest kid out there

-You WILL want to spoil them

-You will learn to let certain things go

-I guarantee you won't do everything you said you would do "when you have a baby"

-You learn to wear drool, spit up, snot and baby food very well.

-You learn to plan your day around their feedings and naps...

-Toys with sound and lights distract them for longer

-Your ideal "you" time consists of sleeping, showering and eating a hot meal

-You actually worry about what the world is like

And I just had to share this because I love it and it's SO true. A friend sent me this in an email--10 Things No One Tells You About Parenthood. I'll just share number 8 because I love it! :)

"8) You won’t be the parent you think
We all had visions of the kind of parents we would be to our kids. Now, as battle tested Moms and Dads, we’ve heard the prospective parents spouting off advice. Those hollow words of wisdom come even though they’ve never gotten up at three a.m. to do a load of laundry with more vomit on it than a frat house floor. Nor have they tried to cook dinner with a screaming baby in their arms, a toddler doing cartwheels off the couch, and the phone ringing. It usually goes something like this: “I’d never let my kids watch TV before they turn three,” or “I would never raise my voice at my child,” or “My toddler won’t ever eat sweets.” Uh huh, and I said I’d never own a minivan. You have this great picture of the kind of parent you want to be, and how picturesque your family will become. You try to live up to that vision, but you also have to survive. So, snickering at a prospective parent spouting off advice is not only allowed, but encouraged."

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